Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Working @ Amsterdam Sinfonietta

Hola Cor,

I feel so jealous reading your stories; it's one exciting trip after the other! Have you finished planning your trip to Goa? Already thought about which clothes to bring with you?

As you know I work at Amsterdam Sinfonietta, a professional string orchestra. Last week they gave a performance at the Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ and I had to work during the concert. The Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ is a very modern concert hall and is overlooking the water on one side and the city of Amsterdam on the other. I think it's a very beautiful building. Luckily for me, the offices of Amsterdam Sinfonietta are also situated in the building and so I get to work there!

The concert last week was very nice. Unfortunately, I didn't get to see them play before the intermission, since I was too busy preparing the reception for our sponsors and business relations. But after the intermission, my work was done and I was able to relax a little, while listening to Mahler and Mozart.

Hope you will join me at one of the concerts in the near future! Maybe after you're fed up with Indian music...?

Big kiss from Amsterdam,

x Ka

The Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ

The main stairs

Reception hall verlooking the water
The view from the office!