Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Master Class at Gordon Ramsay!

Dear K, Last time I made a meal was....... Can't even remember :-)
Except for last Friday when I made nachos with cheese for Srini..

So you can image my fear when we had to create a three course menu according to Gordon Ramsay standards at Verre, Dubai a few weeks ago. It was great and the meal we had to prepare was delicious! Even though I was the only one who managed to burn my risotto.

It looked and tasted GOOD! We were also treated to a blind wine tasting, guessed three out of four.. All those tastings in Stellenbosch paid off :-)

With love from AUH, xx c.a.

                                          The Menu

           First course: Risotto with Butternut


                                       Before - Fillet of Beef

                                                              Still Smiling


                                        Before - Tarte Tartin

                                             And After

                                            Blind Wine Tasting

   Whohoo! First white and red were great

                                                     The Final List

                                                           View of Dubai Creek