Well, I survived another Queen's Day yesterday! The whole town was one big orange party. In the morning I made my way to the south of Amsterdam and watched some music and dance performances by kids. That was really cute. You know that on Q-day a lot of people try to sell their junk to others: clothes, furniture, toys etc. And not without luck: my friend H bought a tape recorder and some LPs for a few euros and went home as happy as a clam!
In the afternoon I made my way through the crowd to the Jordaan. Normally, this will take me 30 minutes, but now - boy o boy - it took my three times as long. But it was worth it: on Q-day in this area the atmosphere is the nicest: people are singing, playing games, drinking beer. It was fun to watch. After having some beers myself, I went home and ended my Q-day in my own style: with a nice dinner at home and watching a girly movie. Sooo nice!
Here are some impressions:
Big kisses from Amsterdam,
x Ka
Ps was so in love with Will & Kate last Friday! That Dress!