Wednesday, May 25, 2011

What to wear?

Hi lieve K, Don't be jealous! Have to do a lot of activities outside work, otherwise I'll go bonkers.. Too much work and no play makes me very sad and cranky :-)

Yesterday I worked till 2345 and today nearly 12 hours.. But the nice thing here is that even though everyone works hard, the moment you have some fun, it's double the appreciation.

So today, after work - herewith me in my office in my suit - I went for a walk to Marina Mall, it's just 15 minute walk away with an amazing skyline of Abu Dhabi, and after I went for Peking Duck with the girls. The last time I had a proper Peking Duck was with you on the canals of Amsterdam, remember?

Have to admit, haven't done any planning for Goa (so not me, think I have changed since I have been living in the ME). Exchanged some Rupees, got my packing list ready (see picture), checked the weather (thunder and lightning and 30c with some sunshine), bought the Lonely P, hotel and flights are booked and the rest.... we'll see when we get there. Luckily Leena has the same attitude. Just want to see a temple, a church, buy some silk, eat lovely curries, read my book, lie at the pool, do some yoga and chill out! Oh, and the most important thing - I am buying loads of flowers for the room - can't believe I have lived without fresh flowers for 2,8 years now, boo!

Have to request my summer holidays, but planning to be in Haarlem mid July. We can do all the lovely things we can do, will be lots of fun!

With love from AUH, love to all, xx c.a.

                                                                                        Hi Ka

                                                 Skyline of Abu Dhabi

                         Peking Duck Wednesday

                                                         List for Goa

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Working @ Amsterdam Sinfonietta

Hola Cor,

I feel so jealous reading your stories; it's one exciting trip after the other! Have you finished planning your trip to Goa? Already thought about which clothes to bring with you?

As you know I work at Amsterdam Sinfonietta, a professional string orchestra. Last week they gave a performance at the Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ and I had to work during the concert. The Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ is a very modern concert hall and is overlooking the water on one side and the city of Amsterdam on the other. I think it's a very beautiful building. Luckily for me, the offices of Amsterdam Sinfonietta are also situated in the building and so I get to work there!

The concert last week was very nice. Unfortunately, I didn't get to see them play before the intermission, since I was too busy preparing the reception for our sponsors and business relations. But after the intermission, my work was done and I was able to relax a little, while listening to Mahler and Mozart.

Hope you will join me at one of the concerts in the near future! Maybe after you're fed up with Indian music...?

Big kiss from Amsterdam,

x Ka

The Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ

The main stairs

Reception hall verlooking the water
The view from the office!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Busy Busy Weekend!

Lieve K,  One week to go and I'll be lounging in Goa, soo looking forward to it.

This weekend was fun and busy. Started off with a Singaporean evening out, followed by a road trip to Al Ain, where it was so hot the car engine nearly blew up, another blond moment: Where to put the water... Some lovely dips in the pool and drinks at the pool bar with the next day back in Abu Dhabi a lazy lunch at the golf club at Yas Island and finishing off with a mani/pedi/massage.

Herewith some impressions of my weekend. Hope you had a fun filled weekend too!
Speak soon and lots of love from AUH, xx c.a.

                                  Abu Dhabi by Full Moon

           Road Trip to Al Ain - no cars on a Friday morning

                        Blond moment: Where to put the water?

                                                   Lounging at the Pool

                                     Al Ain by Sunset

                                                                  View from Yas Links

Monday, May 16, 2011

Lazy Sunday Afternoon

Hi Cor,

Yesterday our Amsterdam soccer club Ajax won the national soccer competition and thus, yet another reason for the people of Amsterdam to celebrate. But while everybody partied in the streets, we quietly went to the cinema theatre and finally saw "Black Swan"! A must-see for a ballet fanatic as me and now we finally found time to watch it. I loved the dancing parts, but was also really scared watching the movie. Even had nightmares last night!

After the movie we had to catch our breaths a bit and went to have some drinks at Grand CafĂ© De Jaren. Also, I wasn't ready to have dinner after watching so much blood. So we had a late night dinner at French restaurant Flo. I had the honey glazed duck breast with a port sauce (nothing too bloody), which was very tasty. And for dessert... Crepes Suzette, yummie! As you can see for yourself, I was very happy with my choice: 

I have to get ready for tonight's ballet class now. I hope that I am not that inspired by "Black Swan"!

Big kisses from Amsterdam,

x Ka

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Gooische Vrouwen Marathon

Hi lieve K,

Read the new CB yesterday on the beach! Great read, see picture last blog.

And love the color blocking trend, few weeks ago I matched my fuchsia gypsy skirt, my bright yellow top with my turquoise tote.  It's a welcome change from my daily black work suit.  Am hoping Goa will bring some more color inspiration and some new silk fabrics.

Weekend is nearly over, watched Scream 4 today in the movies, was ok. Not much investigation, tried to guess the killer during the movie, however the killer presented itself end of the movie on a silver platter.
Am now watching first season of Gooische Vrouwen with tea and rocky road (your chocolate treat with marshmallows are much tastier), really nice to watch some old Dutch series, have 5 more seasons to go..

Tomorrow long day ahead at work, have a trainee starting with me, very welcome an extra pair of hands to help out, so will have an early night tonight.

Let's skype soon, I'll help you with your outfit, something to match your new cute summer shoes?

With love from AUH, xx c.a.

Summery colors

Dearest Cor,

Yesterday we had a pre-wedding dinner with friends. It's always nice to meet the parents and close friends of the bride and groom. I definitely look forward to the wedding, which will take place next Saturday. M and I will stay at a nice hotel, since the wedding will be on the countryside. Could use your help picking out a wedding-outfit.

After sleeping only 6 hours, I was a bit tired this morning. But not as bad as M: he had to get up way early for the bachelor's party of next week's groom!
For lunch I had a friend coming over. I bought pastries and bread at the French bakery, yummy. Next, had some afternoon tea with another friend at this place called "Valerius". Their jasmin tea is devine.

Here is a picture of my Together Bag and its content. As you can see, I have a bit of color-blocking going on in my bag. As you know, I LOVE girly accessories. My new addiction: everything from the Swedish brand Ordning & Reda. On this picture: yellow card holder, pink pencil case and red key holder.

And you asked me about my Summer shoes; these heels are not at all as summery as yours, but very cute, right?!

Enjoy your Summer, but be careful not to burn!

Big kiss from Amsterdam,
x Ka

Ps I wondered if you already had bought Candice Bushnell's new book! Bought a copy a few weeks ago, but am saving it for our holiday to Italy next month, which is sooooo hard! x

Friday, May 13, 2011

Summer in the city

Lieve K,

Today I finished Summer in the City in one go, the new Carrie book. It was lovely and great, felt like home.  It's about the first summer of Carrie in NYC and all her parties, first loves and experiences.

                               My morning on the beach

Am also reading a Swedish book, started last week - of course I had to read Carrie book in between - and it's really interesting, A Troubled Man by Henning Mankell. Will tell you all about it once finished. 

Anyway, summer is starting, during the day it's already over 40c and very dry air. Am going very early to the beach and leaving around 1 - good start of the weekend :-)  I have a favorite spot, but its popular and need to come very early to snag it, luckily the beach is only a few steps away. In one months time, it will be around 50c, feels like you are melting, my third summer in the Middle East, will end around September, more of that will come later. 

Celebrating summer, I bought my first MJ wedges of the summer: gold, turquoise and cherry red, they are really comfy and make me really tall, love them! Something new as I have been walking on flip flops and flats since I started in the Middle East (except during work, black pumps every day - that will be another future post: my daily work outfits.  What are your summer shoes? 

With love from AUH, xx c.a.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Victory in Europe Day

Lieve Cor,

Looks like you have a great time with your Dad!

It's one celebration after the other, here in the Netherlands. Yesterday, 5th of May, it was Victory in Europe Day. You should think that this day would mean another day-off, but no, unfortunately, I had to work. Did make some pictures of the celebrations, though.

Love that they put on little national flags on top of the city trams!

Have fun in Dubai this weekend!

Big kisses from Amsterdam,

x Ka

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Backgammon - ultimate holiday game

Lieve K,

Have been playing over the last two days over 20 games of backgammon. Have you ever played a game? It's very addictive and it's the perfect terrasjes weer game! Once you start one and you can't stop.

           Game of backgammon on the beach

Tomorrow off to Dubai for a weekend of family fun! 

Speak soon & with love from AUH, xx c.a.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Abu Dhabi with Papa

Hi lieve K,

Shame I missed Queens day this year... Hmm, actually not really, as Amsterdam is filled with orange people I don't like and as like you, it crazy to walk for an hour where you would be jetting through in 5 minutes. What are these people doing here :-)

Ok, have also to confess I didn't watch the wedding, couldn't care less about the dress and spent some time on the beach with my dad, what a day it was, from 9am till 6pm sunshine and chats, what more do you need if you are with family.

Had to go to a hotel award ceremony last night in Dubai last night on the Palm. Papa had a fun time, he was chatting up Gary Rhodes and his wife Jenny. They were lovely, very down to earth and bubbly. And was happy that my AUH marketing girls were there.

Papa on his way to Dubai

Today we went to a great exhibition, showcasing all the treasures of mesopotamia:  Saadiyat Island is a fantastic development in Abu Dhabi, in two years time there will be a Guggenheim and a Louvre - YAY! We had a great lunch there too at the museum - I'll take you there next time you are here - you would love it! We had a lovely Arabic lunch, have you ever tried halloumi cheese and babaganoush? Not to forget the home made hommous with the fresh baked bread...

Ok, am taking him now to a sushi restaurant, if I can take him away from CNN and BBC from their breaking news :-)

Wish you were here, with love from AUH, c.a.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Day of Orange

Hi Cor,

Well, I survived another Queen's Day yesterday! The whole town was one big orange party. In the morning I made my way to the south of Amsterdam and watched some music and dance performances by kids. That was really cute. You know that on Q-day a lot of people try to sell their junk to others: clothes, furniture, toys etc. And not without luck: my friend H bought a tape recorder and some LPs for a few euros and went home as happy as a clam!

In the afternoon I made my way through the crowd to the Jordaan. Normally, this will take me 30 minutes, but now - boy o boy - it took my three times as long. But it was worth it: on Q-day in this area the atmosphere is the nicest: people are singing, playing games, drinking beer. It was fun to watch. After having some beers myself, I went home and ended my Q-day in my own style: with a nice dinner at home and watching a girly movie. Sooo nice!

Here are some impressions:

Hopefully, we will celebrate next Q-day together, as we used to do!

Big kisses from Amsterdam,

x Ka

Ps was so in love with Will & Kate last Friday! That Dress!