Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Master Class at Gordon Ramsay!

Dear K, Last time I made a meal was....... Can't even remember :-)
Except for last Friday when I made nachos with cheese for Srini..

So you can image my fear when we had to create a three course menu according to Gordon Ramsay standards at Verre, Dubai a few weeks ago. It was great and the meal we had to prepare was delicious! Even though I was the only one who managed to burn my risotto.

It looked and tasted GOOD! We were also treated to a blind wine tasting, guessed three out of four.. All those tastings in Stellenbosch paid off :-)

With love from AUH, xx c.a.

                                          The Menu

           First course: Risotto with Butternut


                                       Before - Fillet of Beef

                                                              Still Smiling


                                        Before - Tarte Tartin

                                             And After

                                            Blind Wine Tasting

   Whohoo! First white and red were great

                                                     The Final List

                                                           View of Dubai Creek


Lieve K,

Long time no blog! It has been a hectic but great couple of weeks.

Goa was great! We stayed in the southern part of Goa in the middle of the villages on the sea side. Palm trees, colorful houses, cows on the road, temples and shrines and really great Goan food...
We even experienced the first drops of the monsoon.

Herewith some impressions of our trip!

                              First Day at the Beach

                                                       Flowers at the Local Market
                               View from the Room

                                         Goan Sunday on the Beach

                                Portuguese Garden

                                      My first Temple 

                                   Old Goan Church

                                        Hippy Market

                          One of the many Shrines

                        One of the many Temples

                                                                             Lucky Elephant

                                                                 Goan Pork is the Best

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Dubai by Night!

Dear K, Please check out this link, it's a stunning pic of Burj Khalifa.

Speak soon, with love from Dubai, c.a.